I live life age defyingly young, painstakingly wild and lavishly free!

Welcome to my blog good-looking muggle!
Here I hoard my random thoughts and ideas that I may think of or the things that happened to me all throughout the day. Thanks for visiting!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Living in the Underworld

The underworld is the place of the departed souls. Souls of the dead who have gone into the opposite side of the earth. It is located in the deepest part of the social sphere where souls of the organized crime were settled. Where my broken soul... lost and dispirited... should be given away.

FAILURE IS INEVITABLE. Failing in a specific time, place or event is like living in the underworld where dead people are confused, angry, helpless and bitter. It feels like your soul just wants to vanish in thin air -- or maybe dive in to the innermost part of the underworld where it is nowhere to be found. 

We are all aware that we could never run from life’s failure and letdowns. That’s why there is a Filipino axiom that says, “nasa huli ang pagsisisi” which is translated in english as, “in late repentance”. It is simply because no one ever wishes to fail in the beginning before they realize the true meaning of success in the end. We will suffer different challenges and sacrifices at first before establishing the right path towards success. "Kailangan muna nating madapa at masugatan bago tayo matuto sa’ting mga pagkakamali". In other words, you have to fall back upon humanity and God to enlarge your spirit, learn to stand up, rise and truly understand what success really mean.

I HATE IT WHEN I FAIL. Failing randomly in terms of the following:

1. Being late in class or meeting.
2.Participate in an important event in somebody’s life such as birthdays, victory parties or baptism invitations/christening.
3. Attend a major school activity, specifically, in the college where I belong (Nursing).
4. Tutor my little sister in her Math homework.
5. Missed a call from a special someone or significant other.
6. Iron my clothes neatly and tidily.
7. Fix my hair gorgeously before going out somewhere.
8. Finish my food in an ordinarily normal length of time.
9. Tell my parents stories about my love life and difficulty of work in the course that I have taken.
10. Ace a test.

The tenth random failure covers the most broad and extensive elucidation upon recently going through a foremost tragedy of failing. It is an awful disappointment that I myself hardly imagine that I will experience. I wouldn’t complicate you on its specificity but I assure you a definite heart-breaking aftermath on its subject matter. Things have been really tough for me nowadays and I would still like to make light of what to entail in this post. However, I would consider writing them in detail as soon as I am ready. 

Wish me luck! :)


  1. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH BESSY!!! Huuuuuug!

  2. I tried to reply on this via mobile few days ago but I guess it failed to send. So here it is. Haha! I love you too bessy!!! >:D<
