I live life age defyingly young, painstakingly wild and lavishly free!

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Here I hoard my random thoughts and ideas that I may think of or the things that happened to me all throughout the day. Thanks for visiting!

Monday, August 1, 2011

A Nurse’s Echo.

“NLE Results will be out anytime in between the dates of August 20 to 22”.
This statement that came from a specific review center just shocks the hell out of me and got me into panic!

What I mean is, this repetitive act of significant persons (known in nursing profession) who post dates of NLE results in their Facebook wall is kind of scarring our asses out. Particularly, we, fresh nursing graduates who took the Nursing Licensure Exams last July 2 and 3, 2011. This feeling that I can never really explain until you feel it for yourself is exceedingly mind-blowing. Jeez, I can hardly imagine myself on the day that the results will be out in the internet, newspaper and on television news. This is what I consider as “bitay” or “reclusion perpetua” according to law books. Man, I just needed to blog this and let this out of my head because right now, I am really really scared.

WHOAAAA I NEEDED THIS. I need to shout and blow my own trumpet. Please Lord, let me do this. Allow me to reach my dreams and aspirations as a good nurse. Present me reality. I want to prove myself how far can I go? How bright I may be? I want to acknowledge my own great abilities. I want to maximize my true potentials. And that is... I believe that is... to be an RN this 2011.

Desperate it may seem but yes, this is my echo, a true Nurse’s echo. MAY GOD BLESS US ALL FUTURE RNs of 2011. =)

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