I live life age defyingly young, painstakingly wild and lavishly free!

Welcome to my blog good-looking muggle!
Here I hoard my random thoughts and ideas that I may think of or the things that happened to me all throughout the day. Thanks for visiting!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

My flashlight ain't missing.

Today, I was wedged in the middle of a barrio. As I walk past through a dark alley on my way home, the feeling has been very nostalgic. There were flashbacks from the past that I never thought would make me consider going back in this place where I once lived. I can still see myself as I grab my apartment keys, enter the room and visualize my part chatting with my family members of how my day went and so on. But of course, I would be deemed as crazy if I do that because I’ve lived alone in this countryside. This isn’t the exact place where I really wanted to live. This place is also not the area where I was born and raised. This place, you would never know where.

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