It has been 2 and a half weeks since the last time that I posted in my blog. I really don’t know why. Or should I say, I’ve been lazy internalizing thoughts, exhausted of too much thinking related to my previous blog post, busy embracing positive vibes and aura from friends, and maybe because I’ve been through a lengthy time bounty of eat out with the family and absolute bonding. Ohh yeah, it’s okay to be envious. Haha! No. Of course you shouldn’t grudge on that matter, ‘cos we’re diverse in nature. What I’m really tryin’ to say, is that my family and its members hardly see each other. Okay? Each of us was busy with our own responsibilities. I’ll give you a li’l insinuation on that issue. My second to the eldest sister lives somewhere in Manila while my youngest sister stays at our hometown in a province near Bataan. My mother, on the other hand, manages to settle in a community located in the Southern division of the country. Whereas my father, regularly works in an office situated in the North. Apparently, in my case, you can consider me as an NPA (a person with No Permanent Address) because I have ceaseless reasons to be one. To cut this story short, we were all separated from each other and the weekend getaway keeps us all together anywhere we choose to go.
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