I am making myself as busy as possible. I’ve been throwing the bum out at home trying to sort things out on my own. I just became insanely depleted in relation to my before-mentioned blog posts. I am talking about the burden from my preceding paragraphs that I may or may not enlighten in this post for it-doesn’t-matter-anymore reason. I believe that I’m done with its underlying emotions and writing a post about it right now won’t help me bounce back further and move on. Besides, I don’t want to make this blog as dark as it could get. In lieu of the proposition, I prefer to put pen to paper as positive as needed. Our senses just love good vibes. Am I right? No one wants to be provoked to be sad. Likewise, who would want to read gloomy vagueness of thoughts from someone else’s mind? I mean some paper version of misery that might ruin its reader’s bright and affirmative outlook in life. Maybe I already did from my previous posts but that was very dramatic and I want to change it. Alright, I already tipped my point out.
As for now, I’m a current existing vagabond who tries to avoid expelling unfathomable melancholy from the past. I just make myself busy re-reading novels from some great authors, watching loads of movies that I haven’t got the chance to see when I was busy studying, do a lot of housekeeping and the toughest of all, tutoring my youngest sister in answering her homework every day. The perfect BUM LIFE as everyone discloses it. Though, I hope to find a good job related to my course this month. Fingers crossed!