I live life age defyingly young, painstakingly wild and lavishly free!

Welcome to my blog good-looking muggle!
Here I hoard my random thoughts and ideas that I may think of or the things that happened to me all throughout the day. Thanks for visiting!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

My flashlight ain't missing.

Today, I was wedged in the middle of a barrio. As I walk past through a dark alley on my way home, the feeling has been very nostalgic. There were flashbacks from the past that I never thought would make me consider going back in this place where I once lived. I can still see myself as I grab my apartment keys, enter the room and visualize my part chatting with my family members of how my day went and so on. But of course, I would be deemed as crazy if I do that because I’ve lived alone in this countryside. This isn’t the exact place where I really wanted to live. This place is also not the area where I was born and raised. This place, you would never know where.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Happy 22nd Birthday, Tweet Princess!

I thought about posting birthday greetings from friends on my recent 22nd birthday held last February 11, 2012. Due to my lazy daisy life nowadays, I just had the time tonight to put it on record. Of course, for the reason to treasure them so I could reminisce on re-reading their very thoughtful messages for me til it gets old. 

Special thanks to my B-girls (Bim, Bam, Boom and Buff), go visit our blog: The Beautiful People

22nd year starts now! HAPPY YIPEE YEHEY BIRTHDAY!

from me Dianne: hahaha! bam! my dearest aquarius mate, happy 2ne2 birthday! 21 wonderful years gone by. im happy kasi ive been part of it. i want you to know that you can always count on us. u've always been strong though xempre my mga moment tlga na ka-breakdown breakdown, pero at least nkakayanan mo :) always remember God has plans. everything happens for a reason. u may not find ur luck sa lovelife ngaun, cguro kasi he's preparing the best love story for u. iloveyou bam! hugs and kisses!

from Christine: dear buff, annyeonghaseyo! saengil chukahamnida, saengil chukahamnida, saranghaneun alminna, happy birthday to you! Hahaha happy 2ne2. Thank you for stickng around esp. during our 'you-know-what' moments. chukahae(congrats) to us. I love you and i hope to see you soon. Wag ka mwawala ah. Mwah. ü

from Aira: Hi b0om! Happy birthday! Very thankful kmi to have u in our circle of frends. D namin akalain na mkakasundo ka namin ng b0ngga na parang sis na talga wee! if u need us d2 lng us. I luv u b0om!ü

from Charmain: bimmie! aloha.. ang madaldal at bubbly ko n bs hihi. khit n mdyo minamalas s lovelyf mswerte pdin samen naks.. haha. dnt wori bim may bngay n c God 4u mdyo mhba ata love stry kea ntgaln mgsulat haha.. bsta bim ha, kht n mtnda kna chos haha.. love n love kp din nmen ... we will always stay here 4u kht n ups n dwns yan.LOVE YOU BIM..

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Time heals all wounds

I am making myself as busy as possible. I’ve been throwing the bum out at home trying to sort things out on my own. I just became insanely depleted in relation to my before-mentioned blog posts. I am talking about the burden from my preceding paragraphs that I may or may not enlighten in this post for it-doesn’t-matter-anymore reason. I believe that I’m done with its underlying emotions and writing a post about it right now won’t help me bounce back further and move on. Besides, I don’t want to make this blog as dark as it could get. In lieu of the proposition, I prefer to put pen to paper as positive as needed. Our senses just love good vibes. Am I right? No one wants to be provoked to be sad. Likewise, who would want to read gloomy vagueness of thoughts from someone else’s mind? I mean some paper version of misery that might ruin its reader’s bright and affirmative outlook in life. Maybe I already did from my previous posts but that was very dramatic and I want to change it. Alright, I already tipped my point out.

As for now, I’m a current existing vagabond who tries to avoid expelling unfathomable melancholy from the past. I just make myself busy re-reading novels from some great authors, watching loads of movies that I haven’t got the chance to see when I was busy studying, do a lot of housekeeping and the toughest of all, tutoring my youngest sister in answering her homework every day. The perfect BUM LIFE as everyone discloses it. Though, I hope to find a good job related to my course this month. Fingers crossed!