I live life age defyingly young, painstakingly wild and lavishly free!

Welcome to my blog good-looking muggle!
Here I hoard my random thoughts and ideas that I may think of or the things that happened to me all throughout the day. Thanks for visiting!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

B for Beautiful People.

Have you ever felt being surrounded with beautiful people? Technically, I am talking about people who are smart, stylish and well-bred. If yes, I adore you! If no, well, I think we’ll have a mammoth chatter about that some other time. ;)

It is a long forgotten saying that, “you are who your friends are”. And yeah, I strongly believe on that. You go along with peers who you influence and get influenced with. I mean influence, because they encourage you depending on what are their day to day routines when they wake up early in the morning, what they desire to eat for a certain meal, how they dress and look in front of a mirror, how they talk and communicate in front of other people and a lot more of physiological and psychological factors that we generally consider.

I have left 4 attractive women in Manila. 3 of them became my former classmates in College and certainly, became my roommates in an apartment somewhere in Quiapo, Manila. While the other 1, is a former group mate in one of our subjects in College and of course, a very good friend of mine. And I call them, the B’s of my Life. :)

Why call ‘em B’s? B’s ‘cos obviously, we have nicknames for each other that starts with the letter B. Don’t ask me why the letter B ‘cos I don’t know either. Haha! 

Let me introduce to you, my B – GIRLS:

CHRISTINE Joyce Baas a.k.a. BUFF
One word to describe her: Reserved

Buff is everyone’s big sister. Apparently, because she’s tall, curvaceous and chinita-cute (bolera ako), anyone can easily approach and ask her for a cup of coffee while chit chatting about random things in life. She obeys rules, will protect her friends as long as she can and is always open for support. Seeing as her parents are both strict, nonetheless, she never forgets to reserve her time and energy for friends, family, and other VIPs on her list. Count on her in maintaining her posts and status updates about momentous event of adventure and fun. FREE HUGS from Buff =))

CHARM Velchez Isidoro a.k.a. BIM
One word to describe her: Caring

We all care for our loved ones but Bim cares ALL THE TIME. You’ll never know if Dickson, her tall, dark and handsome (bolera nga ako) boyfriend, gets jealous with her girl friend’s friends because Bim haven’t noticed that she forgot to reply on Dicky’s text message because she has been busy making sure that everyone is okay and doing good. Most of the time, she takes good care of us by feeding us with her great recipes. Ohh yeah, she cooks an excellent and appetizing meal. Being compassionate, Bim gets too soft-hearted if anything goes wrong with her friends, family and even in her clothes from the laundry. Baby please don’t goooo...

AIRA Therese Dantes a.k.a. BOOM
One word to describe her: Authoritative

Boom is our ANG MOM. We call her ANG MOM not because she already looks like a mom or old enough to be a mom. But for the reason, that her mom taught her to be a firm decision maker. Not surprisingly, because she has embraced her mom’s character being a good teacher. Let’s just put it this way, we (her roomies) are her students, and she is our teacher. She sings her own praises just to wake us up early in the morning and prepare our breakfast before going out to review. Although being MASA (masandal tulog), yet she never fail to finish her skin care routine before she goes to sleep. Now you know why Choco (Boom’s boyfriend) admires her so much!

DIANNE Esyrel Casiquin a.k.a. BAM
One word to describe her: Problem-solver

“Let’s think of a valid reason, para hindi tayo ma-GG kay daddy”. That’s one of her most frequent lines that we often hear from her if we’re caught in between a difficult situation. Especially in those instances that we’re in a hub of mesmerizing a moment of laughter and absolute enjoyment with close friends and apartment neighbours. It is because sometimes, we suddenly don’t expect a pay visit from Bam’s parents that will lead us all to Plan B, which perchance, alter our entire night’s plans. In the long run, she will kick up a fuss of explanation and valid reasons straight away over the phone, till we sing and shout, PARTY ROCKIN’ IN THE HOUSE TONIGHT!!!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Craving for FOOD.

 Ganito ba talaga kapag walang love life?

I crave for this chocolate.
You only crave for something? Like FOOD? Who will ever believe me if I say that I ONLY crave for food? Maybe YOU who barely know me, my friends in FB (facebook) or even my closest friends wouldn't accept that statement. Jeez, what I'm only tryin' to say is that I am splendidly craving for chocolates (specifically that KitKat white chocolate on the right side) this past few days. I am in love with them and yes they make me feel satiated and happy. Perhaps because I don't have someone who I can crave for in exchange to this lovely chocolates. Ha-ha! You'll never know. =P

I value my course.

Currently, I am thinking of 5 proposals (5 having the highest priority) on what to do with my life after finishing school. That is a genuinely HUGE question for everyone who've successfully finished their studies from Nursery to College but unfortunately, are unemployed. 

In my case as a nursing graduate, those are my plans either after passing the board exams and striking an excellent board rating or after passing the board exams and nailing it to the top. TO THE TOP. Oh yes, that is what you call self-efficacy (which is defined in Wikipedia as a person's belief in their own competence). Ha-ha to the nice-to-know definition. I know, both of my choices are positive disregarding the negative (like failing the boards and all that exhausting ideas) because all I need to think of right now is what am I going to do with my life?

Proposal #1: Enter a Call Center Agency

Particularly in JP Morgan Chase located at The Fort where my Godmother (who is also an RN) is working as a Call Center Trainer, IBM Makati and the other companies that are numerous and too well-known to mention.

Proposal #2: Study in Med school

I want to be a doctor but I never dreamt to be one when I was a kid, just like how I've never imagine finishing Nursing as my career path. Occasionally, because I really wanted to take up Linguistics and Communication Arts. I don't know really. I just feel this energy that I still wish to build up my knowledge in the field of medicine.

Proposal #3: Take the NCLEX-RN Exams (National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses)

Aiming to take this exams is one of my goals after I complete the mandatory requirements needed in the country as a Registered Nurse. I need (and not want) to travel abroad and covet for a good job with appropriate salary according to my competency.

Proposal #4: Study MAN (Masters of Arts in Nursing)

Upon searching on the internet, it is said that this program is designed to prepare qualified nurses in the Philippines and abroad for clinical specialization. Basically, this would add on into your qualifications as a Registered Nurse. My dad aspires me to become a Forensic Nurse (an example of a clinical specialization) which is only open for training and education in the U.S.

Proposal #5: Submit an application as a Volunteer Nurse

Unfortunately, nursing job opportunities in the country has been down for several years. Despite the nurse exploitation that are seen in the news, I would still be glad to be a nurse volunteer not because it is a requirement before you become authorized to work abroad, but because I want to face reality. This may sound so plastic but yeah, I value my course and I can be forced to do it.

No one taught me how to web log.

EVERYONE have their own thoughts, ideas and insights. Some, LIKE ME, just do not know how to deeply convey with it. While some, LIKE YOU, expresses himself/herself in a simple and uncomplicated manner.

I started web logging since I was in Grade 6. No one taught me how to web log. Until I explored it on my own and created what we call now as an Online Blog. Hell yeah, I am soo back to business!

Thank you bessy, Donna Krizel Palma, and girl friend foreva, Asabelle Camenforte who both own a dramatically meaningful blog which was preciously melodic and unfuckenbelievable that moved me to write once more.